Effect of Temperature, Cross-head Speed and Duration of loads on the Mechanical Properties of PVC Polymeric Material.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Chairman, Mechanical design Dep. Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University.+

2 Mechanical Design Department Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. P. 0. Box 11718.

3 Associated professor, Mechanical design Dep. Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University+

4 Assistant professor, Mechanical design Dep. Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University+

5 Assistant lecturer, Mechanical design Dep. Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Hetwan University+


An experimental investigation and determination of the mechanical properties is carried out to show the reliability of a PVC in engineering application. For this purpose, the experimental work is divided into two groups, the first group includes a determination of the mechanical properties, such as yield stress, modulus of elasticity and maximum elongation of the initial PVC at normal conditions. The second group includes a study of the factors affecting these properties such as the effect of temperature, cross head speed and load duration by creep.
