About Journal

Workshops, Seminars & Invited Lectures

Conference program will include workshops, seminars and invited lectures covering the state-of-the-art achievements in the defense and aerospace fields. Participating organizations will be allocated one-hour seminar including audience discussions.

Those interested in this activity are invited to submit abstracts of their presentations. The abstract should include the title, full name, affiliation, address, telephone/fax number and email of each participant.


Aerospace organizations are invited to display their state-of-the-art products and technologies during the conference period. Secured indoor and outdoor areas are located in the conference zone in the Military Technical College.

As the exhibition area is limited, participation in the exhibition will be based on a first come first served basis. Interested organizations are requested to fill-in and mail the included registration form of ASAT-18 conference.

Posters, Student Activity

Engineering students are invited to demonstrate their engineering skill, talent and capability of defending their innovative ideas through posters and seminars. The participating students could attend all the conference activities, free of charge.

Registration/Exhibition Fees


Attendance LE 400

Indoor exhibition LE 4000/booth

Outdoor exhibition LE 100/m2


Attendance $400

Indoor exhibition $4000/booth

Outdoor exhibition $100.m2


The indoor booth is about 12 m2 area. Exhibition fees include two free registrations to attend the conference. The fees cover the reception, lunches, coffee breaks and the conference proceeding. Fees are payable to the Military Technical College, Cairo.

Travel & Accommodation

Participants are responsible for their travel and hotel accommodation. On request, assistance will be provided for hotel reservations, entry visas and reception at Cairo International Airport.