Peer Review Process

All conference organizers/editors are required to declare details about their peer review. Therefore, please provide the following information:

Type of peer review:

  • Double-blind ASAT 19 2021 uses double-blind review, the process is as follows:
  • In the title page the authors details (names and affiliations ) are deleted.
  • Any refer to previous work should be in a passive way with replacement of authors names with “Anonymous” word.
  • Remove references to funding sources
  • Do not include acknowledgments

Conference submission management system:

Electronic Submission of a paper to ASAT-19 conference only requires the following steps:

Registration and/or login: The first time you use an online system “”, you must register for an account. You will need your login information each time you return to the site.

Entering manuscript information: When submitting your paper in IOP style, the author must provide some basic information, such as title, authors, affiliations, abstract, etc.

Reviewing and submitting the paper in IOP style with a copy considering the peer-review instructions.

Electronic Submission of a paper to ASAT-19 conference only requires the following steps:

Registration and/or login: The first time you use an online system “”, you must register for an account. You will need your login information each time you return to the site.

Entering manuscript information: When submitting your paper in IOP style, the author must provide some basic information, such as title, authors, affiliations, abstract, etc.

Reviewing and submitting the paper in IOP style with a copy considering the peer-review instruction

Any additional info on review process: NON

• Contact person for queries:

Prof. Ahmed E. Abdalla Conference rapporteur
