Preventing Information Leakage Caused by War Driving Attacks in Wi-Fi Networks

Document Type : Original Article


Egyptian Armed Forces, Egypt.


The information leakage problem presents one big challenge in the Wi-Fi networks which are widely used nowadays. The War-Driving attacks that target the widely used wireless network hosts and resulted in information leakage present a real challenge. In this paper, a solution that provides a tailored tool based on the open source software is proposed to
prevent the information leakage in Wi-Fi networks specially when using the War-Driving attack. It aims to prevent the information leakage on the node machine connected to a Wi-Fi network. It also provides statistical reports that include useful data about the file access on the user-machine. The statistical reports provide the machine-user with complete information about who, what and where in the user-machine a remote user tries to have an access. It also provides the required user permissions to allow/block access of the files on the user-machine that used a client-version of MS-Windows which do not provide user permissions on the shared files. The experiments include the War-Driving attack are maintained through an attack scenario to test the effectiveness of the proposed tools. The host that is protected with the proposed tool success in detecting the war-driving attack through the defense scenario experiment. It also success in preventing the information leakage from the protected host as well.
