Experimental investigation of the effects of diesel-bioethanol blends on combustion and emission characteristics in industrial burner

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mechanical Power Engineering Departments, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.

2 Mechanical Power Engineering Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University.

3 Mechanical Power Engineering Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Assuit University.

4 Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.

5 Faculty of Sugar and integrated industries Technology, Assuit University.



The increased rate of industrialization in various countries has increased the demand for fossil fuels, which are found in limited reserves and in specific countries. As a result, countries that lack these energy resources are experiencing an energy crisis. As a result, alternative fuels that are made locally within countries are needed, like alcohol.. Experiments were carried out in this research to examine the combustion and emission characteristics of diesel and bioethanol blends using an industrial 350 KW burner. Three different diesel/bioethanol ratios (DE-10, DE-15, and DE-25) were tested. Flame geometries, temperatures, and emissions for diesel/bioethanol blends were measured experimentally for each type of fuel to obtain a complete characterization of the combustion processes. The findings showed that an increase in the percentage of bioethanol in the fuel blends for DE-10, DE-15, and DE-25 reduced CO, UH, NOx, and soot emissions (by around 20%, 40%, and 45%), (by about 13%, 25%, and 43%), (by about 8%, 14%, and 22%), and (by about 16%, 33%, and 50%), respectively, compared to neat diesel combustion. However, because bioethanol has a lower heating value than diesel, As bioethanol percentages increased in the fuel mixture, exhaust temperature and maximum flame temperature decreased.


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