This study was conducted to evaluate the bonding ability and the interface characteristics for four different joints produced by explosive welding. Three joints were elaborated using copper-nickel alloy as base plate with either stainless steel, carbon steel and commercially pure aluminum as flyer plates. The fourth joint was of commercially pure aluminum as base plate and carbon steel as flyer plate. Different explosive ratios and stand-off distances were applied. Experimental results showed good bonding quality in all joints. By increasing explosive ratio, at small stand-off distance of 2mm, fiat bonding interface was transformed to a wavy bonding interface in all joints. The form regularity and amplitude of the obtained wavy interface depend on the type of welded materials. Increasing the stand-off distance also transforms the flat interface, obtained at the small explosive ratio R= 1.4, to a wavy interface, only when the flyer plate was of (FCC) structure. When carbon steel flyer plate of (BCC) structure was used, increasing the stand-off distance showed no major modifications on the interface morphology. It was found that hardness on both sides of the interface was increased due to the high plastic flow that occurs in these regions. This hardening effect was very pronounced in the joints having a flyer plate made of carbon steel with higher coefficient of strain hardening. EDS and WDS analysis showed that diffusion did not take place between the welded plats however, diffusion was observed only in local melting zones along the interface.
Fayed, M., Abdo, G., & Sallam, M. (2011). EVALUATION OF INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DIFFERENT JOINTS PRODUCED BY EXPLOSIVE WELDING. International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 11(ASAT Conference, 17-19 May 2005), 611-633. doi: 10.21608/asat.2011.27172
M. Abd ELGhany Fayed; G. M. Abdo; M. Tolba Sallam. "EVALUATION OF INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DIFFERENT JOINTS PRODUCED BY EXPLOSIVE WELDING", International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 11, ASAT Conference, 17-19 May 2005, 2011, 611-633. doi: 10.21608/asat.2011.27172
Fayed, M., Abdo, G., Sallam, M. (2011). 'EVALUATION OF INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DIFFERENT JOINTS PRODUCED BY EXPLOSIVE WELDING', International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 11(ASAT Conference, 17-19 May 2005), pp. 611-633. doi: 10.21608/asat.2011.27172
Fayed, M., Abdo, G., Sallam, M. EVALUATION OF INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DIFFERENT JOINTS PRODUCED BY EXPLOSIVE WELDING. International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 2011; 11(ASAT Conference, 17-19 May 2005): 611-633. doi: 10.21608/asat.2011.27172