Vegetation-Soil Classificatic' for Digital X-Band Single polarized SLAR Imagery

Document Type : Original Article


Colonel Doctor , Dept. of ElectricalhSpec.Equipment and Armament for Aircraft , Military Technical College , Cairo , Egypt .


In 1978 , VIGIE single polarized SLAR radar was flown two flights in orj to evaluate the capability of remote sensing by utilizing X-band radar f identification and measurement of soil and vegetation parameters. The i itial data review has shown the need for proper correction of digital Si imagery. Specifically the data has beer radiometrically corrected to re, ove antenna weighting effects and range cubic losses. Geometric distort caused by the radar image being in slant range has been removed before co mparison with other data such as photos , maps, -.etc. The classification of different terrains (Aerodrome, towen , wheat , barley , soil , forest have been studied statistically utilizing the average value of radar imag-data intensity . Only the aerodrome , vegetation and town have been well classified. On the other hand soil , wheat , barely and forest have been merged. The studies of numerical calibrated data of VIGIE radar has permitted the determination of backscattering coefficient for each terrai The analogy between the results obtained by VIGIE and that obtained by the experience of scatterometer RAMSES ( Radar de E:esure t,al et d'Evaluation Signatures Spectrales) has shown that their responses have the same margin This attempt has demonstrated that the multipolarization radar is more he] ful for such study . In addition , the indices based on textural analysis are important to complete the feature signatures .