The effect of three brazing materials on the mechanical and tribological characteristics of 0.8% C -4% Ni -0.5% Mo sintered steel was investigated. Different percentages of copper, cobalt base, and nickel base master alloys were blended with the other alloying powders of this steel. Compaction was done in a uniaxial floating dies under a compaction pressure of 600 MPa. Sintering was then carried out in a continuous vacuum atmosphere at 1150 °C for one hour. In the as sintered state the addition of 3.5% copper provides the highest strength and hardness while the addition of 5 % cobalt base master alloy offers the highest ductility and toughness. Stress strain diagrams of this steel show two distinct strain hardening coefficients compared with that obtained for the same steel without any brazing addition. This was attributed to the formation of brazing film on the surface of granules of different coefficient of strain hardening. Moreover, the addition of cobalt base and nickel base master alloys results in a pronounced improvement of the wear resistance of such steel. The application of a quenching and tempering heat treatment cycle proved to offer the steel with 5 % cobalt base master brazing alloy distinguished elevated mechanical characteristics and wear resistance.
Abdo, G., Sallam, M., Gadallah, N., & Negm, M. (1993). EFFECT OF BRAZING ALLOYS ON MECHANICAL AND TR1BOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF Ni-MO SINTERED STEEL. International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 5(ASAT CONFERENCE 4 - 6 May 1993, CAIRO), 215-230. doi: 10.21608/asat.1993.25624
G. M. Abdo; M. T. Sallam; N. A. Gadallah; M. I. Negm. "EFFECT OF BRAZING ALLOYS ON MECHANICAL AND TR1BOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF Ni-MO SINTERED STEEL", International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 5, ASAT CONFERENCE 4 - 6 May 1993, CAIRO, 1993, 215-230. doi: 10.21608/asat.1993.25624
Abdo, G., Sallam, M., Gadallah, N., Negm, M. (1993). 'EFFECT OF BRAZING ALLOYS ON MECHANICAL AND TR1BOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF Ni-MO SINTERED STEEL', International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 5(ASAT CONFERENCE 4 - 6 May 1993, CAIRO), pp. 215-230. doi: 10.21608/asat.1993.25624
Abdo, G., Sallam, M., Gadallah, N., Negm, M. EFFECT OF BRAZING ALLOYS ON MECHANICAL AND TR1BOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF Ni-MO SINTERED STEEL. International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 1993; 5(ASAT CONFERENCE 4 - 6 May 1993, CAIRO): 215-230. doi: 10.21608/asat.1993.25624