New Aerodynamic Design Aspect For Active Stabilization of Centrifugal Compressor Surge

Document Type : Original Article


Br . Gn . Dr . , Tech . Research Center .


Recent Work has shown that centrifugal compression systems can be actively stabilized against the instability known as surge , thereby realizing a significant gain in system mass flow range . In this context , the paper presents the influence of a new impeller design aspects on increasing the range of stabilized compressor performance; the impeller is made of two coaxial parts working as full bladed impeller at stable regime . It could be transferred into tandem bladed impeller with zero overlap when the flow decreases below the minimum value, so the surge will be delayed or suppressed, and the stabilization range will be increased. Herein the effect of tandem shift angle on the stabilization range is studied . It has been found that the stabilization range is increased in the form of decreasing the surge mass flow rate limit by about 56%, when the two parts o !ha impeller are shifted by half the pitch angle at high speeds.