Parallel Generational Copying Garbage Collection Schemes for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof, Faculty of Computer Science October University for Modem Sciences & Arts, MSA.

2 Assoc. Prof. Computer Science Dept. Faculty of Computers & information Cairo University.

3 Eng. Computer Science & Engineering Dept. Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Minufiya University.


In this paper, an improved parallel generational copying real-time garbage collection scheme for shared-memory multiprocessors, which supports load balancing among workers, has been proposed, implemented, and evaluated. The basic idea of improvement is developed from Ali's two papers [2,3]. The scheme proposed here is a form of copying collectors that attempt to eliminate the drawback of frequently copying long-lived (stable) objects. This class of schemes is called generational-based schemes, which is based on concentrating the collection efforts on small areas of memory, so-called young generation. They reduce the need for collecting the remaining large areas of memory, old generation. A modified scheme, without real-time response, has also been implemented and compared to the real-time one. A comparative study has been done for the two schemes with other two parallel non-generational copying garbage collection schemes founded by the author in [1]. According to this comparative study, we proved that the performance of generational schemes is better than the performance of non-generational schemes. Also, the overheads occurred due to real-time response have been calculated.